
Texas Sheepdog Forum

By Francis Raley on Jan. 7, 2015 at 01:23 PM

How to get on the Texas Sheep Dog List

1. Search for Yahoo Groups. Go to Yahoo Groups. If you do not have a Yahoo membership, you will have to make one.
2. Search for texassheepdogs under groups
3. go to the Texassheepdogs page on yahoo
4. Click on tab that says "join this group"
5. The tab will send an email to me to approve the membership and then it will send an approval back to you.    
Once you get approval you can sign up for individual emails, digest, or just looking at the yahoo web page.
6. If that doesn't work for some reason, just email me directly at
7.As of today we have 196 members on the list. TSDA membership is not required to join.
