
Presenting Sponsor - Lone Star Ag Credit

By Jeri Jessee on Oct. 3, 2023 at 04:06 PM

Exciting announcement! 

Lone Star Ag Credit has stepped forward to be our Presenting Sponsor for the Finals this year.

"For more than 100 years, Lone Star Ag Credit has been at the forefront of financing for rural Texas. Based in Fort Worth, Texas, we operate 16 offices covering 48 counties, and have proudly maintained our values of independence, strength, stability and service in meeting the financing needs of our customers.
When Lone Star Ag Credit was established in 1917, we primarily dealt in ranch and farm land financing, and that is still a big part of our business! But you don’t have to be a farmer to enjoy your piece of country life – today, we help all sorts of people find their perfect piece of Texas and remain committed to connecting our customers with the best land loans possible."

You can learn more about them from their website:

Thank you to Kerry and Jeanie Cornelius for introducing us to this great sponsor!